walletsettings - Particl RPC

walletsettings "setting" json

Manage wallet settings.

changeaddress {"address_standard":,"coldstakingaddress":}.
   - "address_standard": Change address for standard inputs.
   - "coldstakingaddress": Cold staking address for standard inputs.

stakingoptions {"stakecombinethreshold":str,"stakesplitthreshold":str,"foundationdonationpercent":int,"rewardaddress":str}.
   - "stakecombinethreshold": Join outputs below this value.
   - "stakesplitthreshold": Split outputs above this value.
   - "foundationdonationpercent": .

stakelimit {"height":int}.
   Don't stake above height, used in functional testing.

Use an empty json object to clear the setting.
stakelimit {}.

Set coldstaking changeaddress extended public key:
> particl-cli walletsettings changeaddress "{\"coldstakingaddress\":\"extpubkey\"}"

Clear changeaddress settings
> particl-cli walletsettings changeaddress "{}"

This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Particl Core RPC documentation online.

Particl version:

Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.

