getstakinginfo - Particl RPC

Returns an object containing staking-related information.
  "enabled": true|false,         (boolean) if staking is enabled or not on this wallet
  "staking": true|false,         (boolean) if this wallet is staking or not
  "errors": "..."              (string) any error messages
  "percentyearreward": xxxxxxx,  (numeric) current stake reward percentage
  "moneysupply": xxxxxxx,        (numeric) the total amount of particl in the network
  "reserve": xxxxxxx,            (numeric) the total amount of particl in the network
  "walletfoundationdonationpercent": xxxxxxx,
    (numeric) user set percentage of the block reward ceded to the foundation
  "foundationdonationpercent": xxxxxxx,
    (numeric) network enforced percentage of the block reward ceded to the foundation
  "foundationdonationpercent": xxxxxxx,
    (numeric) network enforced percentage of the block reward ceded to the foundation
  "currentblocksize": nnn,       (numeric) the last block size in bytes
  "currentblockweight": nnn,     (numeric) the last block weight
  "currentblocktx": nnn,         (numeric) the number of transactions in the last block
  "pooledtx": n                  (numeric) the number of transactions in the mempool
  "difficulty": xxx.xxxxx        (numeric) the current difficulty
  "lastsearchtime": xxxxxxx      (numeric) the last time this wallet searched for a coinstake
  "weight": xxxxxxx              (numeric) the current stake weight of this wallet
  "netstakeweight": xxxxxxx      (numeric) the current stake weight of the network
  "expectedtime": xxxxxxx        (numeric) estimated time for next stake

> particl-cli getstakinginfo 
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getstakinginfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Particl Core RPC documentation online.

Particl version:

Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.

