filtertransactions - Particl RPC

filtertransactions [options]
List transactions.
1. options (json, optional) : A configuration object for the query

        All keys are optional. Default values are:
                "count":             10,
                "skip":              0,
                "include_watchonly": false,
                "search":            ''
                "category":          'all',
                "type":              'all',
                "sort":              'time'
                "from":              '0'
                "to":                '9999'
                "collate":           false
                "with_reward":       false
                "use_bech32":        false

        Expected values are as follows:
                count:             number of transactions to be displayed
                                   (integer >= 0, use 0 for unlimited)
                skip:              number of transactions to skip
                                   (integer >= 0)
                include_watchonly: whether to include watchOnly transactions
                                   (bool string)
                search:            a query to search addresses and amounts
                                   character DOT '.' is not searched for:
                                   search "123" will find 1.23 and 12.3
                                   (query string)
                category:          select only one category of transactions to return
                                   (string from list)
                                   all, send, orphan, immature, coinbase, receive,
                                   orphaned_stake, stake, internal_transfer
                type:              select only one type of transactions to return
                                   (string from list)
                                   all, standard, anon, blind
                sort:              sort transactions by criteria
                                   (string from list)
                                   time          most recent first
                                   address       alphabetical
                                   category      alphabetical
                                   amount        biggest first
                                   confirmations most confirmations first
                                   txid          alphabetical
                from:              unix timestamp or string "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
                to:                unix timestamp or string "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
                collate:           display number of records and sum of amount fields
                with_reward        calculate reward explicitly from txindex if necessary
                use_bech32         display addresses in bech32 encoding

            List only when category is 'stake'
                > particl-cli filtertransactions "{\"category\":\"stake\"}"

            Multiple arguments
                > particl-cli filtertransactions "{\"sort\":\"amount\", \"category\":\"receive\"}"

            As a JSON-RPC call
                > curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "filtertransactions", "params": [{\"category\":\"stake\"}] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

This is a website, created out of frustration with uncomplete and outdated Particl Core RPC documentation online.

Particl version:

Note that the RPC is from a regtest node (for completeness), so it includes some additional calls that a regular node doesn't have.

